Team GREENS2BLUE is based on the idea of swapping the fairways of the golf course for the Atlantic Ocean.
With that in mind, we want to bring in a golf theme as part of our fundraising.
We have designed our own “Atlantic Ocean Course“ which will be split into 18 separate holes measuring 3000 miles in total and we are looking to sign up 18 hole sponsors who will partner with us on the Atlantic Ocean Course!
For those unfamiliar with golf courses they normally have 18 holes with each hole having a PAR which is based upon the length of the hole - Par 5’s being longer, Par 4’s and Par 3’s being the shorter.
How much does a hole cost to sponsor?
⁃ Par 5 £5,000.00
⁃ Par 4 £4,000.00
⁃ Par 3 £3,000.00
On the Atlantic Ocean Course we would like to have as many Par 5 partnerships as possible. We would look to provide additional benefits to all our Par 5 partners. This will include, more prominent display of branding on the boat and equipment, together with priority tickets to our charity black tie ball and exclusive golf day in 2025 at The Alwoodley Golf Club in Leeds.
All Par 5 partners will receive GREENS2BLUE merchandise, including embroidered polo shirts and caps and where at all possible, we will work before, during and after the row with you to maximise marketing and public relations opportunities.
Par 4 and Par 3 partners will still have smaller branding opportunities displayed on the boat and equipment.
All hole sponsors will have their branding on all of our social media platforms before during and after the row.
So let’s go play….!